What sights can I see in Bangkok on my own or with a tour? Here you can see anything: medieval Asian culture and ultra-modern architecture, the poverty of the slums and the glaring luxury of the city. But first, a little history.
History of Bangkok
Hundreds of years ago it was a small village. Bangkok means “olive place” or “place of wild plums” in Thai. Then the village grew into a small trading town and river port serving the old capital of Thailand, Ayutthaya.
In the second half of the 18th century Ayutthaya fell under the onslaught of Burmese troops and was destroyed and burned. As a result of the war, all government agencies were sent to the eastern bank of the Chao Phraya River, where Bangkok was located.
It is worth noting that the people of Thailand call their capital Krung Thel, which means Eternal City, and only foreigners know it as Bangkok.
In fact, the name of the capital takes a few lines, but not every Thai person knows it.
Top 25 Sightseeing in Bangkok
We offer you a description of the sights of Bangkok with photos. In front of you the monuments of history and culture of the Thai people, modern entertainment and shopping complexes for all tastes, local parks and gardens.
Royal Palace
It is a huge palace complex, which since the 18th century was the residence of the Thai kings. It was built by King Rama I after he proclaimed Bangkok the capital of Thailand. Near this palace stands the famous Temple of the Emerald Buddha.
Over the years, the royal palace has been constantly expanding, upsetting itself. But today the kings no longer live here, but reside in a new palace nearby. And there are many museums for tourists and Thais to visit, and royal ceremonies are held here.
Vimanmek Palace
This palace also used to be considered the residence of the Thai king. It is interesting, among other things, because it is the largest building in the world made of precious pink teak, built without a single nail. This is truly a unique masterpiece of architecture.
It was built in the late 19th century as a result of King Rama V’s visit to Europe. After his death, Vimanmek Palace ceased to be the royal residence and the king’s possessions were stored here.
Today the palace houses the museum’s collections in three exhibition halls.
Ananta Samahom
This is one of the buildings that are part of the Dusit palace complex, built in the late Renaissance style, used to be the throne room, and now hosts a number of important celebrations and ceremonies, which the king is sure to attend.
This small two-story building with a rather significant dome was built at the beginning of the last century. Carrara marble was used in its construction. Inside, the building is painted with murals that tell the story of the life of the modern Chakri royal dynasty.
Emerald Buddha Temple
This is the main Buddhist temple or wat of the country, which is located near the Grand Palace. Inside is the Emerald Buddha, made in the 15th century from a solid piece of jadeite. This statue is the most sacred and revered in Thailand.
No one but the king has the right to touch the Emerald Buddha. And the king himself wipes and changes the statue once a year. In and around the temple there are many gilded statues of Buddha, mystical animals and birds. There is a pantheon of kings.
Temple of the Sunrise
This temple or wat is one of the most beautiful sights in Bangkok. It is dedicated to Arun, the god of dawn from Indian mythology, and is located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River in the historic center of Bangkok in the Old City near the Grand Palace.
Sunrise Temple was built in the 15th century, and in the mid-18th century, when it was decided to move the capital from Ayutthaya, the king, traveling by boat on the river, saw the temple of Arun, was struck by its beauty and immediately made his residence.
Golden Buddha Temple
The Golden Buddha Temple, as an attraction in Bangkok and all of Thailand, is interesting because it houses the largest statue of Buddha in the world, made of pure gold. It is more than 3 meters high and weighs about 5 tons.
Studies by scientists have established that this statue is at least seven centuries old. Many interesting legends are associated with it. During the war with Burma in the 18th century, the statue was covered with a layer of plaster to save it. And then they lost it for a long time.
Lying Buddha Temple
In the 12th century there was a Buddhist monastery in the place where this temple is located today. King Rama I was extremely fond of it, and it was soon decided to restore, enlarge, and rebuild the monastery in full accordance with the canons of that religion.
Under Rama I, a Buddhist stupa over 40 meters high was erected here. Today there are almost a hundred smaller studios built here. And the statue of the Lying Buddha is the largest in the world. This attraction in Bangkok is a must-see.
Wat Ratchanadda Temple
This Buddhist wat is located in the east of Bangkok’s Old City. It began to be built in the mid-19th century, and construction was completed a century later. The temple is dedicated to the granddaughter of King Rama III. Its name translates from Thai as Granddaughter of the King.
The temple complex consists of many exquisite structures, and the most interesting thing about it is that the central structure, the chedi, is made of metal, which is very rare. This is the uniqueness of Vata Ratchanadda. There are many statues of Buddha around the temple.
Wat Sutkhat Temple
The Bronze Buddha Temple was built in the early 19th century on the artificial island of Rattanakosin. This is the historical center of the city, where the most interesting places in Bangkok are located. The entire temple is painted with paintings that present the Buddhist view of the world.
Near the temple there are many sculptures of Buddha of small and medium size, and inside the temple tourists can see a bronze statue of Buddha 8 meters high. Wat Sutkhat is also known for its giant swings made of precious teak.
Golden Mountain
The height of this temple is more than 70 meters. From its observation deck you can clearly see the picturesque panorama of Bangkok. It is a very large area temple complex with many buildings and structures, in Thai it is called Wat Saket.
Around the temple grows a large, beautiful and well-kept tropical park, through which you can walk for hours. Elegant benches and small fountains are installed. Among the herbs each time you can find a new statue of Buddha or a mythical animal.
Marble Temple
Another unique Buddhist Wat in Bangkok, which was built in the late 19th century at the behest of King Rama V of real Italian marble after his trip to Europe and his delight in Italian architecture. Marble is very rare in Thailand.
In the Marble Temple rests the ashes of King Rama V. Externally, it bears some resemblance to European architecture. And it is surrounded by a beautiful park with a small river and a Chinese-style pond. Here you can enjoy nature for a long time.
National Museum
The museum is located in the center of Bangkok, in the Old Town, next to the Great Palace in one of the former royal residences built in the late 18th century. After the death of King Rama V the palace was abandoned until the end of the 19th century, it was uninhabited.
Later it was given away as a museum. Historical and artistic collections began to form here, and the museum itself was opened in the late twenties of the last century.
The kings of Thailand paid special attention to the national museum, and today it houses the richest collections.
Royal Barge Museum
Barges or large boats are popular transportation in Thailand. And a few centuries ago they were powerful warships that successfully repelled the onslaught of the enemy on the water. This museum on the banks of the Chao Phraya houses eight royal barges made of precious solid teak.
Each such vessel is elaborately finished with luxurious fine carvings and chasing of precious metals. Sometimes these boats are taken out on the canals of Bangkok to take part in a unique procession of extraordinary beauty, guided by specially trained paddlers.
Erawan Museum
This museum is a round-shaped building, on the roof of which stands a huge elephant with three heads – a fascinating sight. It was opened in the middle of the last century and exhibits the cultural heritage of the peoples of Thailand.
There are many lovers and admirers of Thai culture in the world. They can see at the Erawan Museum its small piece that has enriched the cultural heritage of all mankind, works of national art collected piece by piece by the Thais.
Kaosan Road
Bangkok has a lot to see on its most famous street. Here around the clock you can watch the motley crowd of tourists from all over the world, people try the real Thai cuisine, buy souvenirs, go to the Thai massage, etc.
Kaosan Road gained its fame in the eighties, when the street celebrated the capital’s 200th birthday with style and furore. Here you can not only see the whole world in the palm of your hand, but also rent inexpensive accommodation.
All the Chinese tones of the wonderful country of Thailand are brought together here. You can visit a variety of Chinese restaurants, stores, stalls, facilities for traditional Chinese medicine, massage and other interesting places.
The best time to come to Chinatown is during some Chinese holidays and celebrations. You will get a lot of unique exoticism and Oriental extravaganza, you will see a lot of Chinese garlands and lanterns, as well as colorful festive processions.
Chatuchak Market
This is the main market of the capital of Thailand, offering customers products for every taste and purse. It is worth noting that local, even the most exotic goods are quite accessible to any Russian. And if you haggle, it’s even for pennies.
Chatuchak is a huge market, and on weekends the number of visitors can easily exceed 200,000. Here you are sure to find souvenirs of Thailand and Bangkok for yourself and your loved ones: ivory figurines, silk, jewelry, etc.
Bayok Tower
It is one of the tallest skyscrapers in Bangkok. It was built at the very end of the 20th century, is more than 300 meters high and has 84 floors. The tower is equipped with an observation deck, from which in good weather you can view the entire capital to the Gulf of Siam.
It is also home to Bangkok’s trendiest restaurant where you can enjoy European, Chinese and Thai cuisine. The lower floors of the Bayok Tower are occupied by parking, and above are apartments and hotel rooms, where you can stay for the whole vacation.
Siam Paragon
It is a shopping and entertainment complex, where you can go on your own or with children, if you decide to look in Bangkok modern capital realities: boutiques, cinemas, a huge aquarium, an art gallery, a concert hall, etc. Here you can spend a whole day with children and not get tired.
We offer a variety of modern world-class entertainment, excellent restaurants and eateries, sports and children’s playgrounds, swimming pools, recreational facilities, etc.
Lumpini Park
In the midst of ultra-modern Bangkok you can find a magnificent green area that smells of fresh jungle – Lumpini Park, covering almost 60 hectares. It’s a great place for hiking and sports, relaxing with family or friends.
Tourists and Bangkok residents love to spend their free time in Lumpini Park, resting from the Siamese heat and city noise under the sprawling branches of the local trees.
The park has two ponds where you can go boating and even fishing.
Dusit Zoo
It is a small city zoo, occupying a relatively small area, but located in the center of Bangkok. It was founded by King Rama V in the late 19th century and is considered the oldest zoo in Thailand.
The ponds of the Dusit Zoo are home to various species of turtles, monitor lizards, other reptiles, and many varieties of tropical fish. And in the enclosures and cages live about 300 animals: elephants, zebras, giraffes, camels, kangaroos, penguins, etc., some are allowed to feed.
Muang Boran Park
One of the wonderful natural attractions located on the outskirts of Bangkok, away from the bustling metropolis.
Here, among the local flora, the attention of vacationers presented more than a hundred ancient Thai buildings. Each represents a specific period and even an era in the history of Thailand.
Some of the buildings – the original, others are skillfully made copies, reconstructions of various temples, palaces and other historic buildings.
Dream World Park
It’s a version of Disneyland in Thai conditions. Heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, so beloved by children, live here. You can come to Dream World with the whole family and relax all day on different attractions, and there is not enough time to go around the entire park.
For convenience, Dream World is divided into four parts according to the sides of the world. In the first you can see the world’s monuments of history and architecture, presented in miniature size, in the second – a beautiful garden, and in the other two attractions are waiting for you.
Chao Praya River
This is the city’s most important river, and it is used to move around the city by water transport. Water artery, essential for comfortable life in the capital, which has a length of almost 400 km. Moving along it, you can see all the sights of Bangkok.
You can take pleasure boats and ferries on the Chao Phraya, which is very popular with visiting tourists. And during rush hour, this river is the only thoroughfare that keeps the city’s roads from completely collapsing.
Rattanakosin Island
If you are wondering what to see in Bangkok on your own or as part of a tour, then feel free to go to this artificial island, created on the orders of King Rama I. The name of the island translates as “The Greatest Jewel”.
The island is the historical center of Bangkok and all the most interesting historical and cultural attractions of the capital, from the Grand Palace to the National Museum. A great place for the curious tourist.
Video overview of the sights of Bangkok
Once you have been in Bangkok – the capital of Thailand – you take home a lot of the most vivid impressions and memories that will remain long and encourage you to return again and again to this ancient and modern exotic city.
Bangkok sights on the map
The entire historic center of Bangkok can be viewed superficially in one day. And to delve into the history and culture of the wonderful people of Thailand will take much more time.
If you want to explore the city on your own, buy a map of Bangkok sights in Russian or download a free map yourself from the Internet. It will further help you to navigate well in Bangkok.
When visiting temples or vats in this country, be sure to wear appropriate clothing for the occasion, and your hands and feet should always be covered. Otherwise you may offend the feelings of the faithful who come to the temple.
Before you go to see the next attractions, determine the route, be sure to specify when its doors are open to tourists, ie. Find out the opening hours of the administration as well as the cost of tickets in Thai Baht.