Sharks are often spotted in the Andaman Sea: more often they can be seen while diving, and some individuals swim close to the shore and can be seen by tourists on vacation. The possibility of encountering a dangerous sea creature scares people, but often fears are unjustified.
Sharks in Phuket – myth or reality

Tourists traveling to Phuket for the first time often fear that the island’s coastal waters are home to sharks. Although these fish are found in the Andaman Sea, they are not as dangerous as many believe. The waters of former Siam (Thailand) are famous for their rich species diversity of sharks.
Divers and tourists who come to Phuket on vacation rarely encounter them, as fish prefer to stay in deep water or away from the coastal area. But if they swim close to the beach, they do not often attack people: only if provoked.
Which sharks live in the Andaman Sea
There are 64 species of sharks in the Andaman Sea. Only a few of them can be found near the Phuket coastline. They are mostly peaceful species, aggressive predators rarely swim in shallow waters.
Big white
Carcharodon (great white shark) is a large fish, adults of which reach 4-5 meters in length. Its body is torpedo-shaped, ending in a sickle-shaped tail with a large fin. The upper part of the body is dark gray with an admixture of brown tint, the lower part is white.

Carcharodons are considered the most aggressive sharks, but they rarely attack humans. They have powerful muscles, sharp eyesight, developed sense of smell. Massive jaws with 7 rows of large white teeth allow them to easily tear flesh, chew bones of marine animals.
Adults prefer to hunt in pelagic or open oceanic waters, and young – in shallow waters.
The Andaman Sea is not their habitat: the fish prefer cooler areas. During the migration period, around the beginning of September, some of them swim into Thai waters, but do not approach the shore.
Tiger or leopard
The tiger shark is a large fish from 3 to 4.2 meters long. It has an elongated slender body with a broad head and a powerful tail ending in a pointed fin. The upper part of the body is gray, the lower part is whitish. Young individuals have dark transverse stripes on the sides, which with time pale.
Predators feed on carrion, hunting fish, mollusks, reptiles, seabirds, and mammals. During the search and pursuit of prey tiger sharks move slowly, trying to remain inconspicuous, but rapidly attack.
They are among the most aggressive species: the number of attacks on humans is second only to carcharodons.

Predatory fish occasionally approach the shoreline of Phuket and the islands of Phi Phi Phi and Similan. But they are shy and do not interact with humans.
Varieties of reef sharks
Thailand’s waters are home to coral reefs, forming an ecosystem with a rich diversity of marine life. It is home to a variety of shark species including:
- Blackfin reef fish. It is a small fish with an elongated slender body that allows it to easily penetrate caves and swim through narrow crevices. It got its name due to the dorsal and pectoral fins of black color, which are clearly visible against the background of gray body and light gray belly. Fear these inhabitants of the Andaman Sea is not worth it, because they are peaceful and do not attack people.
- White-finned reef fish. It is a small fish with a white dorsal fin. It leads a nocturnal lifestyle, so in the daytime it prefers to take refuge in caves or sink to the sandy bottom. Sometimes divers meet the predator near coral reefs. The animal is not prone to aggression, but can attack a person if provoked.
- The gray reef shark. It’s often mistaken by divers for a blacktip shark because it has the same body structure and gray coloration. But it does not have dark fins. The fish is not afraid to swim up to divers, but does not show aggression to them.

Long-winged shark
The longfin (great white) shark is a large predator with a body length of 3.5 to 4 meters. The fish has large oval-shaped pectoral fins, thanks to which it received its name. Individuals are characterized by a gray-brown color with black spots all over the body. Predators hunt large gregarious fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and also feed on organic waste dumped from fishing vessels.
Adults are aggressive and may attack humans. They rarely come close to shore, mainly posing a threat to divers diving off Phuket.

Mako shark
The mako shark (bonito) is an active, fast predatory fish that can reach speeds of up to 74 km/h and jump out of the water to a height of up to 6 meters. In this, it helps her narrow, streamlined body, large fins, and a strong tail. The upper part of the body of the mako has a blue-gray color, the lower part – white.
Bonito are at the top of the food chain and are not attacked by larger predators. Hunting primarily near the surface of ocean waters, they feed on bony fish, turtles, small marine mammals, and organic debris.
Mako sharks are occasionally found in the Andaman Sea and pose a danger to humans because they are aggressive and can quickly attack victims. However, they do not swim close to the shore.

Hammerhead shark
The hammerhead shark is one of the most dangerous predators, helped by its highly specialized senses to hunt. The head of the fish has large flattened growths on the sides, covered with ampullae of Lorenzini – electrosensitive cells. Thanks to them, animals pick up electric fields generated by prey animals.
Hammerhead sharks are aggressive hunters that feed on small fish (especially rays), octopus, squid, and crustaceans. They often live in coastal zones, near coral reefs.
Predators sometimes swim into Phuket waters. They do not consider humans as prey, but will defend themselves if they feel threatened.

Shark babysitter
The nurse shark is a bottom-dwelling predatory fish with an unusual appearance: it has a slightly flattened body of light or dark brown color and a wide, flat head. Its peculiarity is a mouth with triangular teeth, and on the lower jaw are 2 antennae – olfactory organs.
During the daytime, nurse sharks gather in groups and lie on the bottom, and at night they hunt alone. They feed on fish, mollusks, and crustaceans.
Predators are found in shallow waters near coral reefs. They are inactive, not prone to aggression, but are capable of attacking humans if they carelessly step on them.

Have there been any real encounters with sharks?
Shark attacks on scuba divers, divers, and swimmers are rare. According to world statistics, 57 cases of unprovoked bites by these fish were registered in 2022.
In the coastal area of Phuket, people have repeatedly encountered dangerous predators, but there are no officially confirmed cases of fish attacks. These are very peaceful sea creatures.
Preventive measures: how to avoid an attack
It is unlikely that a marine predator will encounter and attack a person in Phuket waters. However, when going for a swim in the coastal area or open sea, vacationers should take measures to reduce the likelihood of encountering an animal and its aggression.

While in the waters of the Andaman Sea, it is recommended:
- swim in groups of several people, as predators are afraid to approach crowds of people;
- stay within the authorized area so that in the event of danger, you can return to shore or get help from rescue personnel quickly;
- keep calm, do not make sudden, disorderly movements that attract the attention of marine predators;
- return to shore at nightfall, when animals are more active.
You should listen to the local news daily to learn about the presence of predatory fish near the shoreline in a timely manner and take steps to ensure personal safety.