HomeArticlesUseful InformationWhat medicines to bring from India and Goa

What medicines to bring from India and Goa

Our parents remember perfectly well that during the Soviet Union, our pharmacies used to receive many excellent medicines from India. Today we can travel to this country on our own to relax and choose good medicines. Also available in India are remedies from the local traditional medicine of Ayurveda, recognized by Indian doctors and other health professionals. Many excellent Ayurvedic medicines are unfamiliar to our compatriots.

What medicines to bring from Goa, from India? Let’s talk about that in this article. We hope that the information will be useful for you and your health, as well as the health of your family, relatives and friends.

Spring is the end of the High Season in Goa, which means that it is time to think about what you can bring from Goa medicines, because in Russia, many of them are too expensive for much worse quality. Such a gift from India is sure to please anyone.

Where to start?

When going to India or specifically to Goa, ask your relatives and relatives in advance if there are medicines that are worth bringing them as gifts, and give them enough time to think about it.

If any of your friends have vacationed in Goa or live there permanently, he will probably give the most valuable information about the state of pharmacies in Goa and the level of prices for the range of pharmacies.

India ranks third in the world in the development of the pharmaceutical industry. Only the U.S. and the EU are ahead of it. And the cost of its products is dozens of times less than American or European drugs.

What to bring from Goa of modern pharmaceuticals?

Let’s compare prices based on the fact that today one Russian ruble is equal to 1.07 Indian rupees.

Sorion Healing Cream from India

  1. Cetirizine is a drug for allergies, which costs about 300 rubles in Russia and about 30 rupees in India, i.e. the difference in cost is about 10 times.
  2. Neurozan is an effective vitamin complex that has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. In India it costs only 20 rupees, but in Russia it costs about 300 rubles.
  3. Supradin is a well-known multivitamin that costs 20 rupees in India in Goa, and about 400 rubles in Russia.
  4. Hepcinat – this drug is used to treat hepatitis C, but only with a doctor’s prescription. It is quite expensive at $690, but in Russia the treatment will cost an order of magnitude more.
  5. Femilion is a great contraceptive that costs only 177 rupees, women realize that this is very inexpensive.
  6. Ibuprofen with paracetamol, a commonly known antipyretic in Russia, is called Loyd in India and costs only 10 Indian rupees for 10 tablets.
  7. Aspirin here is noticeably more effective than in our country, and its price for 10 pills is just over 4 Indian rupees.
  8. Sorion – a well-known Indian ointment for psoriasis costs 70 rupees, a popular domestic ointment with a similar composition – at least 600 rubles.

These are just a few examples that demonstrate the obvious cheapness of Indian drugs compared to their Russian counterparts, which can be bought in India or in North Goa for next to nothing.

At a low price, Indian medicines are known for their high quality, which makes them an even more profitable pharmacy product, incomparable to domestic pharmaceuticals.

What Ayurveda medicines can I buy in Goa?

Ayurveda, as a system of Indian traditional medicine, was born at least six thousand years ago. Her main principle: treatment should be based on medicinal herbs, roots and berries. “Ayurveda” in Sanskrit is “the science of life.”

Today, Indian Ayurveda is very popular in the world, the medicines of traditional Indian medicine can be purchased in every country of the world. Indian ayurvedic companies are exporting their products abroad en masse.

Ayurvedic medicines are extremely plentiful, some of them having simply overwhelming effects. Which are the most popular, how much of this medicine is studied and confirmed by official medicine?

Remember! This method of treatment is officially recognized in India and there are many certified Ayurveda specialists. But taking any Ayurvedic medicine requires prior consultation with your doctor.

What is the best company to buy Ayurveda medicine from?

The most famous company specializing in traditional medicine is called Himalaya. Even small children in India know this brand. It produces medicines, dietary supplements, decorative and medicinal cosmetics.

Himalaya - Indian brand of medicines and cosmetics

The supplements from Himalaya are very popular in the world, Remember that one jar of capsules filled with medicines, you will definitely not be enough. Don’t be stingy, buy several jars at once.

The Ayurvedic preparations from Himalaya are inexpensive, about $2 or 132.66 rubles per jar as of today. A jar lasts for a month, and doctors practicing Ayurveda recommend that patients take 2-3 courses of treatment.

What Ayurveda medicines from Himalaya should you bring from India?

Bael. This drug is designed to control body weight. It comes in jars containing 60 capsules. With the help of Bael you can control the entire digestive system, the drug is effective in treating diarrhea, infections, etc.

Amla. This is a very popular Indian gooseberry in Ayurveda. It treats constipation well, supports the digestive organs, has a slight laxative effect, does not cause a habit.

Shunthi. An excellent remedy if the child is nauseated and motion sickness in transport, gets rid of migraine headaches, effectively helps with stomach upsets and in the postoperative period.

Yashtimadhu - a cure from India

Yashtimadhu. The basis of this drug is licorice. It can reduce the acidity of the stomach, perfectly treats heartburn, and in combination with other drugs – gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Nim. This drug effectively treats teenage acne, its regular use makes the skin healthy, young and fresh, Neem has a pronounced antibacterial property, effectively fights fungi.

Haridrah. This medicine is intended to treat allergies and various skin infections. It has a pronounced antimicrobial property, good for inflammatory processes in the body.

Manjishta. This drug is used to purify the blood, it is great for the treatment of moles and age spots, effectively protects the skin from infectious diseases.

Tulasi. It is an excellent remedy for colds and respiratory ailments, as well as severe coughs. An excellent remedy for getting rid of infectious diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract.

Vasaka - a medicine that can be brought from India, Goa

Wasaka. This medicine is used for coughs, respiratory therapy. Vasaka is excellent as an expectorant and bronchodilator, for pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, etc.

Tricatou. It is a mixture of Indian pepper and ginger. The drug is excellent in the treatment of gastric disorders, normalizes the digestive system. Tricatu improves appetite, relieves the patient from flatulence.

Also, hundreds of Ayurveda preparations have long shown their excellent properties in the treatment of metabolic diseases, diabetes, heart and blood vessels, joints and bones, strengthening the function of the immune system, etc.

What cosmetics to bring from India?

In India and North Goa there is a huge number of local cosmetics, they are also very effective and inexpensive. The choice is enormous, many Russian tourists definitely buy medicinal cosmetics from Ayurveda and bring them home.

Here is a list of the most popular ayurvedic cosmetics, which every woman who is anxious about her appearance, hair, skin, etc. should have. This is not a complete list, study and use this wonderful cosmetics.

You can buy Ayurveda cosmetics at any beach or shop in North or South Goa. The sellers there are asking the lowest price for it. In domestic stores online and offline it costs several orders of magnitude more.

Coconut oil. This product is a must-have on the beaches of Goa. The oil is excellent protection for the skin during tanning, and makes the tan more beautiful. He recommends rubbing the oil on your skin and hair before you go to the beach. In winter in Russia, it is suitable in apartments with low humidity.

Amla Oil - cosmetics from India

Amla Oil. The wonderful Indian gooseberry has already been mentioned above. It is used in many medicines, dietary supplements and cosmetics, including those from Ayurveda. Thanks to the oil, it strengthens and grows hair, it is used for headaches, etc.

Navratna Oil. This oil is infused with several medicinal herbs, which contribute to the rapid growth of hair. It should be rubbed into the roots of the hair and keep this mask for several hours. This oil is also often used in massages.

Rosewater. It is a mixture of water and essential rose oil. Rose water is used for cleansing the face and body skin, making it softer and more elastic. In the East, it has been called the water of beauty for thousands of years.

Anti-Acne by Himalaya. This is a whole series of products, which includes a cleansing gel, a face mask, and an acne cream. It all costs mere pennies, and you will love the results of acne treatment.

Anti-Acne Cream by Himalaya can be brought from Goa

Biotique’s anti-aging series. This series is based on dandelion extract, women believe that it is much more effective than a similar series from L’OREAL, costing ten times more. Indian Biotique offers many variations of creams, serums, gels for different skin types.

Biotique eyeliner. This cosmetic, antimony, has medicinal and nourishing properties. In the East, antimony is very fond of, it strengthens eyelashes, promotes their growth, in Russia it can also be used as a therapeutic and decorative cosmetics

Patanjali anti-wrinkle cream can be bought at a pharmacy in Goa, India

Patanjali anti-wrinkle cream. This cream from Ayurveda has many excellent reviews, the cream effectively smoothes the skin, reducing the number of wrinkles. It is dense, but it is instantly absorbed into the skin and leaves no greasy spots on the face. Recommended for ladies after the age of 35.

Vicco turmeric face cream. This is also a cream from Ayurveda, its healing base is Indian turmeric. It rejuvenates, refreshes and revitalizes the skin, and costs only 119 Indian rupees, making it a no-cost alternative to expensive French and domestic creams.

Powders for masks. These powders are produced by many Indian pharmaceutical companies: Biotique, Himalaya, Dabur Red, etc. They are sold in jars and sachets. You can buy them anywhere in Goa, from beaches to supermarkets. The powders are taken internally and externally.

Where to buy Ayurveda medicines in Goa?

Buy the above and many other medicines, nutritional supplements, Ayurvedic medicines in Goa can be found in pharmacies, various shops, centers, which are numerous in this Indian tourist state in almost every town or village.

We recommend using Himalaya and Patanjali pharmacies that sell from pharmaceutical companies. There are especially many of them in South Goa. Don’t hesitate to ask the locals about the quality of this or that pharmacy.

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