HomeArticlesUseful InformationFiji Sea on the world map

Fiji Sea on the world map

The sea of Fiji, located in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, is characterized by crystal clear water, richness of flora and fauna. Its beauty attracts snorkeling and diving enthusiasts, as well as tourists looking to relax on the light sand beaches and take photos of the picturesque local scenery.

Where is the Fiji Sea on the map

Fiji Sea Map
Location of the Fiji Sea on the map.

The Fiji Sea washes the archipelago of the same name, consisting of 332 islands. Only 110 of them have people living on them. The water body has an area of 1.3 million square kilometers. To the west, the boundary is the coast of Australia’s Coral Sea off its shores. Norfolk Island is also located there. To the north, the water area is bounded by New Caledonia. Fiji is bordered by Vanuatu to the northwest, Tonga to the east, and New Zealand and the Tasman Sea to the south.

Coordinates and boundaries

The Fiji Islands lie between 12° and 22° south latitude, 177° and 178° west longitude.

The boundaries of the site are defined by the waters surrounding the islands.

Climatic conditions

As the Fiji Sea is an inter-island sea with no clear water boundaries, its hydrological regime is the same as that of the Pacific Ocean. It is characterized by tides, during which the water can rise up to 1 km, alternating with low tides. A complete cycle takes approximately 1 day.

Temperature on the island
Constant steady tropical winds warm the air up to +35 °С.

Tropical trade winds warm the air up to +35°C. The figures hardly vary from season to season. Temperature fluctuations do not exceed a few degrees. The period from May to November is considered relatively cold. This is the time of the rainy season. But the water temperature does not fall below +20°C.

The inhabitants of the underwater world

The sea of Fiji is often traveled to swim in the company of marine life. Tourists are attracted by the richness of local flora and fauna.


There are many varieties of algae, underwater plants found in the waters of the Fijian Sea. Most of them are located in shallow depths, near the coral reef. Here they have enough light for growth and development. But there are also those that are placed farther away from the coast, shallow waters. Such plants do not have a root system, are not on the bottom, but on the surface of the water body.

Fiji’s marine flora is impressive in its diversity and beauty.


The Fijian Sea is home to a large coral reef. It is mostly formed by soft corals, alcyonarians. But hard or gorgonian varieties are also available. In total, more than 400 species of coral have been recorded.

The following animals can be found in local waters:

  • sea serpents;
  • the sea devil (aka manta ray);
  • acne;
  • sea turtles;
  • tridacne;
  • jellyfish;
  • octopuses;
  • seahorses;
  • of actinia;
  • shrimp;
  • reef sharks;
  • whale sharks;
  • butterfly fish;
  • tuna;
  • black, blue, striped marlin;
  • a sailfish;
  • barracuda;
  • mahi-mahi;
  • a sailfish;
  • swordfish;
  • sea lily, etc.
What makes Fiji’s marine fauna unique is the presence of an extensive population of sea turtles.

From October through December, vacationers get the opportunity to watch migrating whales. If you’re lucky, you can swim in the company of hammerhead sharks. But you’ll have to go farther from shore to do that. The local bull shark population has increased over the past few years. These curious predatory fish are not afraid of divers, swim up to people and allow themselves to be photographed. Some divers even claim that the sharks have posed for them.

Shark feeding shows are held for tourists. The spectacle can be seen at Beca Lagoon. Locals bait 7 varieties of underwater predators: blackfin, whitefin, gray reef, silver, lemon, bullhead and nannyfish.

Occasionally, the more dangerous tiger shark swims in for a treat. But it is rare to find it in local waters, especially off the coast.

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