Arabian Sea

Seaside resorts are very popular among tourists. One of the most sought-after resort sites is the Arabian Sea. There are many reasons for this: the excellent beaches with clean sand, excellent infrastructure, modern entertainment, the proximity of various attractions and monuments. Rest by the Arabian Sea will give a lot of pleasant experiences.

Geographic location of the Arabian Sea

The waters of the Arabian Sea are in the Indian Ocean basin of the same name. The boundaries of the Arabian Sea can be clearly seen in the appearance of the seabed and shores. Finding the Arabian Sea on the map is not a problem, it is located in the north-west of the Indian Ocean.

You can trace where the waters of the sea end to certain geographical locations. On the western border is the Somali Peninsula, on the eastern border is the Maldives Range, on the southern border is the Arabian-Indian Range, on the northern border is the Hindustan Peninsula. That said, different parts of the Arabian coast have their own interesting places to stay.

The Arabian Sea on the map

The Arabian Sea on the mapThe Arabian Sea on the World Map

Characteristics of the Arabian Sea

Sea depth in some parts reaches 5,000 meters, but on average ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 m above the peaks of the ridge and from 3,000 to 4,000 m in the rift gorges. The average depth is 3,006 meters. This makes the waters of the sea in demand among drivers and various explorers of the sea depths.

Arabian Sea - where is it, description

The area of the sea is 4.2 million km2, the volume is 14 million km3. Despite such characteristics, the Arabian coast and sea are fully explored, all the mysteries of the sea depths are solved.

Climatic conditions

The waters of the Arabian Sea are in demand for tourism due to suitable climatic conditions. The sea is in a tropical climate zone, this applies to all parts of it. All the time the temperature on the Arabian coast does not drop below 20 degrees Celsius. In winter it ranges from 22 to 26 degrees, and in summer from 26 to 30 degrees.

Climate and water temperature of the Arabian Sea

The water temperature of the Arabian Sea has significant variations in different parts, sometimes as high as 12 degrees. Still, conditions are comfortable everywhere: the water temperature is 20 degrees off the coast of Somalia, and 25 degrees off the Arabian Peninsula. In the open sea, the water temperature sometimes reaches 30 degrees.

Inhabitants of the Arabian Sea

The inhabitants of the Arabian Sea - are there sharks?

If you look at the Arabian Sea on a map, you will find that it is in an area with interesting fauna. In different parts of the sea, the waters may contain different wildlife, but most species by distribution cover not only the Arabian Sea, but also most of the Indian Ocean.

There are more than 1,000 varieties of fish in the sea, most of which are suitable for food. The waters of the sea are rich in marlin, sardine, sailfish, tuna, and mackerel. There are also a lot of crabs, shrimp and lobsters, even if they are inferior in number to the above fish.

Diving in the Arabian Sea

The fishing industry is well developed in the Arabian Sea. Despite the great diversity of species, the bulk of the fishery affects only five of them: Japanese carp, saurid, sea bass, and two different species of horse mackerel. Fishing for groundfish is less common in the sea, but some are of great interest to fishermen, these include rock bass, catfish and captain.

Sharks also inhabit the Arabian Sea. There are several species here, including the dangerous to humans Tiger, Blue. However, cases of attacks are extremely rare, because they are afraid of homo sapiens no less and at the first opportunity try to escape. Moreover, most species of sharks are protected by coastal states and world conventions, because they are mercilessly destroyed by fishermen and now their numbers are steadily declining

Map of the Arabian Sea coast

The waters of the Arabian Sea wash the coasts of Asian and African countries. By Africa, of course, we mean only its coast in the northeast. Pleasant temperatures and a tropical Arabian climate attract many tourists wishing to sunbathe and swim in the clear waters of the Arabian Sea. The Arabian Sea is not well-developed everywhere, for example, a vacation at sea in Somalia is unlikely to be a wise decision.

The state of Goa is on the coast of the Arabian Sea

One of the main resorts of the Arabian Sea is the Indian state of Goa. It is a great place on the Arabian coast where you can relax by the sea water at an affordable price. The Arabian Sea has resorts with different costs, the same Goa is divided into north and south. In the north you can relax by the sea at an affordable price, in the south – to enjoy a more developed infrastructure.

Mumbai is located on the shores of the Arabian Sea

Goa is not the only resort by the sea, also popular are Mumbai, Kerala and Mangalore. The vast majority of the beaches are crumbling sand with a golden hue. Everyone can choose a suitable place to rest by the sea in accordance with their financial capabilities.

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