HomeAsiaIndiaThe Himalayas in India

The Himalayas in India

The Himalayas are called the home of the gods. The highest mountains on Earth are full of mysteries and riddles. Here one goes for spiritual enlightenment, for self-improvement or conquering peaks. Everyone has a different goal, but he who has been on these slopes will never be the same again. The Himalayas in India are of undying tourist interest. It is especially appreciated by fans of skiing, climbers and religious denominations.

Description and useful information about the Himalayas

The highest mountain system on the planet stretches between the Tibetan Plateau and the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It passes through several states, including Burma, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The length of the mountain ranges is 2,900 km with an area of 650 thousand square kilometers. The maximum altitude record belongs to Everest with a mark of 8848 m. There are a total of 10 peaks exceeding 8000 m in the system.

The great rivers Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra originate on the slopes of the mountains.


Himalayan Mountains

Seasonal monsoons dictate the conditions. The change of seasons is pronounced and corresponds to middle latitudes. The mountainous areas are characterized by more temperature fluctuations, in winter there are often frosts down to – 40 degrees Celsius. The rainy season begins in June and lasts until the end of August. At this time, the slopes are covered with a foggy haze, tourist life is almost at a standstill.

Mountain peaks divide the area into two climate zones. Most of the heat and moisture remains in the southern part, where vegetation is abundant and the air is fresh and cool. The north side was in a continental climate with sharp temperature variations and dry winds.

Flora and fauna

Irbis in the Himalayas

The vegetation is characterized by a tier system. The higher it is, the lower the height of the trunks and stems and the lower the variety of species. In the foothills you can see relict trees such as the sal tree, dhak. Pine, fir, cedar, and spruce feel at ease. Rhododendron, juniper, and lingonberry bushes climb the higher tiers, growing to impressive sizes in the thin air. At the 4-4.5-meter mark, the tundra vegetation begins, dominated by mosses, lichens, and shale tree species.

In spring and during the rainy season, the slopes of the Himalayas on the Indian side are covered with flowers of fabulous beauty. These are the blue poppy, which only grows in the Himalayas, the noble rhubarb, the prostrate, primroses, and waldheimia.

Animals of the Himalayas

There are many endemic and rare animals in the Himalayas. These include:

  • irbis;
  • tibetan fox;
  • black Himalayan bear;
  • antelope;
  • yaki;
  • mountain goats.

Indian states in the Himalayas

The Himalayas in India

In total, there are several states in the foothills, each interesting for tourists with its own characteristics. All are characterized by long distances to be covered on foot. The equipment doesn’t go through there.

Important! Make sure to take comfortable shoes, clothing, taking into account the daily variations in temperature, first aid kit.

  1. Assam is considered the most distinctive. Its culture is unique and very interesting for tourists. Territorially it is the most extensive. It is here that the famous tea plantations are located, and the inhabitants are engaged in silk production. A separate tourist destination in the state is the organization of excursions to the world-famous Kamakkhya and Navagraha temples. The national park is home to tigers, turtles, large colonies of birds, and the largest population of rhinos in the country.
  2. Sikkim is located on the border with Tibet. It is the smallest, but worthy of a visit. It has a reputation as the seat of ancient wisdom and a place of enlightenment. The libraries keep ancient manuscripts, and there is a Tibetan Institute. The state is home to a lush orchid garden and the ancient Enchi Monastery.
  3. The state of Jammu and Kashmir sits on the border with Pakistan and is visited for its majestic and mesmerizing views, to visit the oldest Amarnath temple, built over 5,000 years ago, a necklace of Hindu shrines, including the Vaishno Devi. The Wildlife Sanctuary zealously protects populations of rare animals. There are leopards, wild boars, endangered species of monkeys. The state produces saffron, weaves carpets, and makes copperware and shawls. The city of Leh is home to the largest bazaar in the foothills of India and the amazingly beautiful Leh Palace.
  4. Uttaranchal receives pilgrims from all over the country and foreign guests. The mountainous region of Garval is considered the center of power. Many try to get to the village of Gaumukh, near where the great river Ganges originates. Hindus believe that by washing in its source, one can receive remission of all sins and ascend to a new level of spiritual perfection. Mass ablutions take place near the town of Haridwar, for the first tens of kilometers from the source scatter the ashes of the deceased, believing that their soul immediately reaches nirvana without having to go through all the rebirths due. There are also offerings to the goddess of the river in the form of flowers and fruit. The universally recognized capital of yoga, the city of Rishikesh, is always crowded and full of Europeans. Also of tourist interest is a suspension bridge and a number of ancient temples.
  5. Shimla, the capital of the Himalayas and the state of Himachal Pradesh, is a unique mountain resort that attracts the elite of Indian society. The Kullu Valley is famous for the incredible fact that each village has its own deity, which is devoutly worshipped by the inhabitants. The main emphasis is placed on mountain tourism, from the slopes begin fascinating hiking trails, is in demand among fans of extreme sports and rafting.

Attractions of the Himalayas

Most towns and villages are interesting historical and architectural monuments. Buddhist monasteries and temples lead the way, but there are also other interesting sites to visit.


Shimla - Himalayas

The main value of the Cathedral of Christ are the murals on the walls. Their author was Lockwood King. No less interesting in Shimla is the market, where woolen scarves and shawls, bracelets, rosaries, chains, national clothing are sold. Horseback riding, meditations, and visits to spas for Ayurveda treatments are available as recreational activities.


Dharamsala to the Himalayas

The name translates as “shelter at the temple. Monks make up the bulk of the population. The peculiarity is that they do not hide from the outside world behind the walls of the monastery, but freely go out into the city, visiting the bazaar and enjoying tea at tables in cafes. They are very friendly and happy to help tourists who come to the village for the first time.

This mountain village, 1,700 meters above sea level, was a refuge for the Tibetan government after the occupation by China. Buddhists make pilgrimages here, seeking an audience with the Dalai Lama. There is a calming atmosphere all around, giving peace of mind.


Manali - Himalayas

The name of this city in the Himalayas translates as the haven of the first man. A mountain river divides Manali in two, mangrove forests grow on both sides, numerous large and small waterfalls rumble, monkeys and chipmunks are not afraid of people at all.

Temples are open to tourists, cafes and restaurants with national and European cuisine. The unique beauty of nature attracts a large number of tourists, so the city has acquired the status of a resort.


Nagar - Himalayas

The city is located near Manali. Known for the estate of N. Rerikh. It has been turned into a museum where most of the furnishings, personal notes, diaries, and sketches of the great artist, who loved and revered the Himalayas with all his soul. He sought to lift the veil of mystery that envelops the highest and most mysterious mountains on Earth. It is impossible to know how much he succeeded, but his paintings of mountain peaks and breathtakingly beautiful valleys will not leave anyone indifferent.


Srinagar - Himalayas

Another mysterious place keeping the mystery of the Rosbal Tomb. There has been a religious debate about it for a very long time, but no end is in sight. Like any secret, it invariably attracts the attention of those interested, so that the influx of tourists does not become scarce.

No less interesting is the market, which sells unique jewelry, scarves and shawls made of the finest Kashmiri wool.

The attractions of the Indian Himalayas also include:

  • Ladakh district;
  • Haridwar, where the colorful Kumbha Mela festival is held;
  • Kashmirov Valley;
  • Nandini Wildlife Sanctuary.

Ski resorts in the Himalayas

Ski resorts in the Himalayas

The winter season at most of them lasts from November to April. The list of equipment includes ropeways, snow cannons, schools of instructors. The complexity of the slopes vary in level, from beginners to experienced skiers.

Resorts are popular:

  • Auli;
  • Mundali;
  • Solang;
  • Narcanda;
  • Dayara-Bugayal;
  • Gulmarg.

Ski resorts in the Himalayas

Kufri is in a special position. Nearby are the Himalayan National Park and the Indira Tourism Center. In addition to tours, it offers rides on phlegmatic good-natured yaks and small hard-working ponies.

Tips for tourists

The Himalayas

Each country has its own characteristics, of which it is better to learn in advance, so as not to spoil the rest of an unpleasant little thing or a serious offense.

Going to the Indian Himalayas, especially do not need to be vaccinated, but on the spot to observe hygiene will have to all points.

India leads the way in intestinal diseases. And the locals are already immune to most of the bacteria.

Planning to visit a temple of any denomination, it is necessary to dress accordingly, so that the knees, shoulders, and hands up to the wrists were covered. It is not customary to enter Buddhist temples with shoes on. Flip-flops and sneakers are left at the entrance. Just in case, so as not to inadvertently offend the feelings of believers, any leather goods are left in the hotel room.

You should carry any disinfectant with you and treat your hands before you eat. The measure will help keep away from intestinal upset. It is better to try dishes according to national recipes a little at a cafe or restaurant where sanitary norms are observed.

Going on a trip to the mountains, it is more convenient to take clothes made of natural fabrics and a few warm clothes, including gloves.

You have to plan your trip to the market and shopping in advance and go there with a guide. Few sellers speak English, and buying something without haggling is a waste of money.

In the Himalayas, the tourism business is underdeveloped and there are not many amenities to be expected. But the prices are quite affordable. At the ski resort in Gulmarg equipment rental costs 25 USD, accommodation in the cabin from 7. Rates at 3-4 star hotels start at 60 USD.

How to get to the Himalayas?

Most often the first point of travel is Delhi, and there are domestic airline flights from there. You will have to get to the end point by rented car or on foot. For those who go to the ski resort in Gulmarg, it’s easier. The airport is in Srinagar, which is very close to the resort.

There are buses to Manali. It is worth noting that there is no clear timetable. They depart from several points, particularly from Maine Bazaar, as they fill up and pick up passengers virtually all over the city. Only then begins the ride, which lasts about 16 hours. From there, rickshaws are used to get to the smaller settlements.

The route is built depending on the purpose of the trip. In any case, you should remember that when boarding a cab, you need to make sure that the meter is set to zero, and if it is not, carefully negotiate all the details of the trip, right down to who pays for filling the car. This should be done before the car is moved.

You can’t find beaches and high-end boutiques in the Himalayas. But there is an opportunity to gain peace of mind, enjoy the beauty of nature and touch the mysteries of the most amazing and mysterious place in India.

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