HomeArticlesUseful InformationDetailed maps of the Mediterranean Sea

Detailed maps of the Mediterranean Sea

It is called the Mediterranean Sea because it is surrounded on all sides by lands or continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa. It has a huge basin and is connected to the Atlantic by the relatively small Strait of Gibraltar.

Scientists believe that more than 5 million. years ago, it rained on Earth for two years in a row, there was a catastrophic flood, which resulted in the formation of this remarkable sea.


A map of the Mediterranean Sea shows that it is divided into several more seas, and is also connected to the Black Sea, the Red Sea, and the Sea of Marmara through straits.

Map of the Mediterranean Sea

Map of the Mediterranean SeaMap of the Mediterranean Sea with cities and countries

Map of the Mediterranean Sea with cities and countriesMap of the depths of the Mediterranean Sea

Map of the depths of the Mediterranean SeaMap of the Mediterranean Seas

Map of the Mediterranean Seas


In winter, the Mediterranean Sea is very often affected by storms and heavy rains. Cold winds blow from the north, and air and water temperatures drop markedly. In summer, a warm and fairly dry maritime climate.

The high season at sea comes in May and climaxes in mid-summer, when the sea warms to +27C – +30C, as fresh milk, and arrives tens of millions of tourists from all over the world.

Countries and Islands

Turkey has long been loved by Russians for its excellent resorts, quality service, Russian-speaking staff and inexpensive prices. People go to Italy to taste pizza and see the sights of ancient Rome, Naples and Venice.

Spain is famous for its classic English-style resorts. Croatia is rapidly developing yachting, Montenegro is known for its pristine beaches, and Albania for its magnificent seaside landscapes.

Countries and Islands of the Mediterranean Sea

In Morocco and Tunisia you can see unique ancient monuments and artifacts, oriental bazaars, the intertwining of the traditions of the West and East, but tourists are coming here little today because of the political situation in the countries.

On the island of Djerba, mentioned in the “Odyssey” by Homer, live pink flamingos, in Sardinia, archaeologists annually unearth ancient ziggurats, guests Vulcano admire the numerous volcanic craters.

Holidays at the Mediterranean Sea: pros and cons

Holidays at the Mediterranean Sea: pros and cons

The best time to rest on this sea is September, when the heat slowly recedes and the overheated summer sea water cools down a little. This is the most comfortable time for tourists, as. The beginning of autumn in the Mediterranean is sunny, there is almost no rain.

In the sea there are many salts useful to the human body, and there are no flora and fauna that can cause harm to his health. On the coast there are many health resorts and sea resorts.

The countries surrounding the sea have a huge number of cultural and historical sites, many of which are included in the famous UNESCO list, as well as unique natural beauties.

The resorts of the Mediterranean Sea – a beautiful and perhaps the best place for sightseeing and beach tourism. The disadvantages and negative aspects of recreation in these blessed places has not yet been revealed.

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