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Water temperature of the Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean climate is one of the best on Earth, it is ideal for taking sea and sun baths, enjoying the tropical and subtropical nature. The Mediterranean Sea is a wonderful place with pleasant water temperatures for year-round recreation and tourism.

Water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea by month


The warmest water in December, January and February is on the northern coast of the African continent: Alexandria, Benghazi, Metsa Matruh, etc. During this time, the water gets up to +19C. Little inferior to the east coast. In Haifa, Latakia, Beirut, the sea warms up to +18C.

The sea is warm enough in winter on many well-known Mediterranean islands: the seaside beaches of Cyprus, Crete, Rhodes, etc. Our tourists, accustomed to the northern climate, feel fine at +16C – +18C in the local seaside resorts, if there are no heavy rains.


Mediterranean Sea - water temperature by monthIn spring, in March, April and May, the sea begins to warm up considerably. In mid-spring comes the bathing season, as the water temperature reaches +20C -+21C. There are not many tourists yet. So the beginning of the season is a great time for lovers of quiet rest, preferring it to parties, discos and nightclubs.

Warm sea water at this time can be seen in Italy, France, Greece, Egypt, Tunisia. And the coolest is on the eastern coast of Spain and in Catalonia, going to the beautiful Barcelona is still a bit early. On the African coast, the sea is gradually taking on the warmth of steamy milk.


Summer is the high season, the Mediterranean resorts attract tourists from all over the world, in July and August, all the beaches are filled with vacationers. In June, the temperature of the sea warms up to +22C and above. On the African coast at this time – +23C – +24C.

The peak comes in August, everywhere the sea is heated to a temperature of steaming milk, vacationers do not notice how they enter the water, whose temperature reaches +28C – +30C. At the same time there is no heat in the Italian, French, Spanish and Greek resorts, the excessive heat is damped by the sea.


From early September to late October, the Mediterranean reigns Velvet season. At this time, the water near the seashore begins to cool gradually, dropping to +25C. In November, many European resorts sea cools to +17 – + 20C. It’s a great time for Russians, but in late fall it’s already starting to rain.

On the Cote d’Azur, in the Adriatic Sea in Turkey at this time of +16C, tourists gradually disperse to their homes. And in Tunisia, Egypt and Algeria – a great time to take a bath, the holiday season continues to reign here – the water off the coast of Africa continues to get up to +22C, not lagging behind and Israeli resorts.

Water temperature in the main resorts of the Mediterranean Sea

Water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea by month in TurkeyTurkey

The southern shore of the Republic of Turkey has long been fancied by Russian tourists, it is the most budget-friendly foreign holiday. Here you can swim in the sea depending on the weather and in winter, but the best time to do so – High season. During this period, the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea becomes steamy and reaches +28C – +32C.

Azure Coast

French seaside resorts can delight holidaymakers not only by the warm sea in season, but also by perfectly equipped beaches. The sea is slightly cooler than in Turkey, but tourists are offered one of the highest-class beach infrastructure in the world. Water temperature from mid-spring to the second half of fall – from +20C to +29C.


This country is no less beloved by Russians, millions of our compatriots come here every year. The Mediterranean Sea is the warmest here for swimming. The coldest water in February is +17C, but already in April it reaches +20C. However, many tourists prefer to vacation in Egypt in winter on the Red Sea, where it is even warmer.

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