HomeArticlesUseful InformationMaps of Koh Samui in Thailand

Maps of Koh Samui in Thailand

Going to Thailand, and specifically to Koh Samui, be sure to collect its geographical and tourist maps and use them to get acquainted with this wonderful island, located in the Gulf of Thailand.

Maps can be found and downloaded from the Internet or purchased in real life, being in Russia or Thailand. If this is your first time vacationing in Koh Samui, they will be of invaluable assistance.

Samui on the world map

Samui Island on the world map

Samui on the map of Thailand

Samui on the map of Thailand

Map of places of interest

Forming a plan of rest on the island, pre-map study its natural, cultural and historical sights, their geographical location, to continue to visit them.

Surely you will like and find useful the detailed interactive Google map of the island, which gives the traveler a lot of important information about it. Just download it from the Internet and install it on your smartphone.

Samui sightseeing map

A detailed map of the island, showing all its iconic temples and other attractions, national parks and waterfalls, hotels and restaurants will be of great benefit. It will give you a fairly complete picture of Ko Samui.

Hotel map

In addition to the well-known services on the Internet, offering tourists hotels, guesthouses and villas around the world, including. and Samui, be sure to study their location on the island.

Another fairly detailed interactive map of the island, where you can easily find almost everything you need for the traveler


You will definitely need a map of Koh Samui beaches to properly navigate the island, looking for another great vacation spot with a fine, soft, white sand and decent beach infrastructure.

Samui Beach Map

Samui Beach Map

Transportation map

Transport links to the island are known through the local international airport, as well as ferries and boats traveling from mainland Thailand to piers on the island’s northern and eastern shores.

Map of Koh Samui piers

Map of Koh Samui piers

You’ll love the high-quality map of roads in Samui. There aren’t many on this tiny island, but you’re sure to feel the need for them among the local wild jungle.

Koh Samui Road Map

Weather map

It will not hurt the tourist and an interactive map, online telling about the weather conditions on and around Koh Samui:


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