In Brest region forestry and private organizations have built an excellent infrastructure for proper recreation. The equipment of recreation and tourism facilities is not inferior to many estates and entertainment venues offered for recreation in other parts of Belarus. Many tourist complexes have in their location bathhouses, fireplace halls, platforms for the location of shooting galleries, Russian billiards, as well as many other attractions.
“Hunter’s houses” and the entire complexes are located in the most picturesque and wonderful places in Brest region (at your discretion, the place for recreation can be absolutely any, depending on your own wishes).
Near such places can be very good reservoirs, with a decent number of different species of fish that live in it. Many places have ecological trails, which in the Brest region are in the immediate vicinity of the built tourist complexes. You can always just take a walk in the woods, saturate the healthy air and of course rejuvenate your body. Gathering mushrooms and berries, which in Belarus a great many, will give you only positive emotions.
Imagine how nice it is after a day out in the fresh air to stay with the whole family, sitting near a warm fireplace and spending a whole night in the “Hunter’s House” to meet the fresh and foggy dawn in the bosom of wildlife!