HomeEuropeCroatiaSibenik sights

Sibenik sights

Sibenik is a Croatian town and resort with interesting sights and monuments, located on the Adriatic coast, and has a population of about 37,000 people. Sibenik received the status of the city in the 13th century, although it has existed since ancient times, since the Iron Age.

Top 10 Sightseeing in Sibenik

In the early 15th century this city, like the rest of the Dalmatian coast, came under the rule of the Republic of Venice, and a century later it was repeatedly besieged by the Turks, but the Ottoman Empire was not able to capture these lands.

Later Sibenik managed to be part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, France, Serbia, Yugoslavia, and at the end of the last century Croatia declared its independence. Today, Sibenik is a seaside resort with numerous attractions, most of whose population is engaged in the tourism business. Read on for a must-see.

The Fortress of Sts. Nicholas

This fortress on the island was built in the 16th century to protect the city of Sibenik from attack by the Turks and pirates from the sea. Today, most of the fortifications of the fortress have become ruins, and it is difficult to get to them from the city.

St. Nicholas Fortress near Sibenik, Croatia

The island, where the ruins of the fortress of St. John the Baptist are located. The site of the St. Nicholas church, all overgrown with pine trees, under which the former fortifications are located. The fortress itself and the wall around it were built of white stone, they are well preserved architectural decorations.

It is possible to see several military buildings that have not been used for their intended purpose since the 18th century.

It is interesting to go up to the top of the fortress, on the very roof, and see all the surrounding natural and architectural beauty from a height.

Krka National Park

Krka National Park in Sibenik, Croatia

This park, located on the river of the same name, is one of the most popular in Croatia. It is located between the cities of Sibenik and Knin. Nearly 900 different species of plants grow in the park. There are many endemics among them, i.e. that are peculiar to this particular area.

Krka National Park - a natural landmark of Sibenik

In the park you can see seven remarkable waterfalls, the height of the largest of them reaches almost 50 meters. There are two monasteries here, both built in the 14th century, one founded by the Catholic Augustinian order, the other by Orthodox Serbs.

Be sure to visit the Ethnographic Museum, located next to the largest waterfall, and see its exhibits: clothes, dishes, handicrafts, etc. There are also several water mills that are powered by the waterfall.

Church of the Assumption of Our Lady

Church of the Assumption of Our Lady in Sibenik, Croatia

The construction of this temple was carried out by the Knights Templar Order, it began in the 12th century and lasted at least a century. It later showed the first signs of baroque architecture in the city, which came into vogue only many years later.

The temple passed from one order of knights to another, until in the early 19th century it came into the possession of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Today it houses a collection of ancient icons of great artistic value.

Throughout its existence, the church has burned three times, but has been rebuilt again. It received its modern baroque appearance in the 18th century. Especially striking are the Baroque bell towers, for which the church is famous throughout the Adriatic.

St. James Cathedral

St. Jacob's Cathedral in Sibenik, Croatia

This temple was built in the 15th and 16th centuries, changing architectural styles from Gothic to Renaissance. The best architects of southern Europe at the time worked on its construction. Today, St. Jacob’s Cathedral in Sibenik is on the famous UNESCO list.

St. Jacob's Cathedral in Sibenik, Croatia

To decorate the temple during its construction were created several dozen sculptures of famous people of those times. Later the church was repeatedly restored, and after World War II it was completely rebuilt.

The cathedral was fired on by ship’s artillery during the events in Croatia in the early 1990s and the dome was breached, but it was rebuilt a few years later. Today there is a gradual restoration of this architectural masterpiece.

City Museum

Sibenik Museum - Croatia

The museum is located in a palace built in the 13th-14th centuries during the reign of Venice. It was built as a fortification structure that protected the city of Sibenik from external threats. This is also where the princes from Venice lived.

Next to the palace is famous all over the coast defensive tower, built in the 14th century. In the early 20th century, the palace became a national treasure, and it housed the city museum.

Various artifacts are on public display here: works of art, collections of ancient coins, seals, coats of arms, weapons, jewelry. Later the museum was divided into several departments: archaeology, ethnography, history, etc.

The Fortress of Sts. Michael

St. Michael's Fortress in Sibenik, Croatia

This historical monument has also recently been inscribed on the UNESCO list. The fortress is located on one of the highest points of the city, above the shore of the freshwater lake. The walls of the fortress offer magnificent views of the city of Sibenik and its surroundings.

St. Michael's Fortress - an architectural landmark of Sibenik

The fortress was built in the 17th century of local white stone, its walls and other structures are in good condition. On the territory of the fortress repeatedly occurred archaeological excavations, which found ancient artifacts.

Near the fortress is an ancient cemetery, the inscriptions on the cemetery monuments can trace the history of the city for several centuries back. Nearby is the church of St. John the Baptist. The fortress is named after St. Anne, so it is also named after this saint.

Shubichevak fortress

Šubićevak Fortress in Sibenik, Croatia

This fortress is located in the northern part of the Old City, it was built in the first half of the 17th century and stands on Mount Vidacusa. The fortress played a significant role in the defense of the city from the attack of Turkish troops.

It is in quite satisfactory condition, the stone walls are perfectly preserved or have been restored after another attack by the enemy. Today it is one of the most favorite tourist attractions of Sibenik.

In Shubichevak you can walk through the territory of the fortress and examine the preserved fortifications. From the mountain, tourists will see the beautiful forest and magnificent views of the sea, relax under the whiff of warm sea breeze.

City Hall

Town Hall in Sibenik, Croatia

This administrative building is located in the north of the Old City and is one of the most famous and valuable landmarks. The town hall is a must-see in Sibenik, Croatia.

It was built in the 30-40 years of the 16th century by Venetian architects in the style of the Renaissance. It has an arch, columns, bas-reliefs, etc. The town hall has a tower with bells, ringing of which gathered the town’s nobles for the next meeting in the town hall.

During World War II, the town hall was bombed by Allied air raids. After the war it was completely rebuilt. Only the interior was significantly changed. Today, the former town hall houses the Registry Office and a restaurant.

Museum of Church Art

Church Art Museum in Sibenik, Croatia

In the Church of St. John the Baptist. In the Church of St. Barbara you can get to the museum, where a rich collection of church art is on display: icons, frescoes, paintings, sculptures, stone and wood carvings, etc. The temple is located near the main city square.

All of the artifacts created by the artists date back to the 14th-18th centuries. Different styles of art are represented here, from Romanesque to Baroque. There are triptychs and polytryptychs created by church masters in the Middle Ages.

In the museum you can see the sculptures of St. Paul and St. Peter of the Renaissance, jewelry made by famous jewelers, etc.

This church is still in operation today, and regular church services are held there.

Franciscan Monastery

Franciscan Monastery in Sibenik, Croatia

The monastery together with the Catholic Church were built in the 14th century in strict Gothic style in the southeastern part of the Old Town. A hundred years later, a chapel was added to the church, and two centuries later, an organ was installed.

Today the monastery has a huge collection of works of art. It has been collected by Catholic clergy over several centuries. A library of handwritten books is also of great value.

Video overview of the sights of Sibenik

Sightseeing map of Sibenik

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