HomeArticlesUseful InformationSnakes in Goa and other dangers of the resort

Snakes in Goa and other dangers of the resort

What dangers can tourists expect in Goa? After all, this tourist state of India looks like heaven on earth. Most tourists, having rested in Goa, retain the same opinion. But going there, prepare for possible unexpected encounters.

First of all, back in Russia, you need to learn more about the Goan fauna, what dangers it can potentially bring to tourists in Goa, and how they can be prevented or avoided.

Dangers in Goa for tourists

There are people who feel restless and uncomfortable in any foreign place, everywhere they see trouble coming. In fact, danger may await a person in his own home. And what dangers await tourists in Goa, and how likely are they?


With this fauna you will certainly meet on vacation. Snakes in Goa – one of the local natural attractions and even business cards, the first acquaintance you may not like, but a matter of taste.

There are land and sea snakes in Goa. Sea snakes in Goa are few and far from the shore, and you should not be afraid of them. Among the many different species of venomous snakes in Goa, there are not many.

Are there snakes in Goa?

Often, tourists themselves develop a fear of snakes. To reassure them, locals take Goa snakes into their hands, demonstrating that they are completely safe and not aggressive. Not everyone is comforted by this.

However, no cases of death after an encounter with a snake have been reported in India.

What kind of snakes live in Goa?

Let’s name a few of the most common completely non-hazardous species of snakes:

  • blind snake;
  • sand boa;
  • Indian warthog snake;
  • tree snake;
  • wolf snake, etc.

Poisonous snakes of Goa are less common and are much less likely to come into contact with humans:

  • cobras;
  • Indian krajt;
  • coral snake;
  • Russell’s viper;
  • bamboo kufia, etc.

Snakebite antidote in Goa

What hospital can you get when bitten by a snake in Goa? Ask for help from local Indians, don’t do the search yourself. There are government hospitals in Mapusa and Kandalima, where you will find an antidote and qualified medical care.

The state also has its own snake diversion service. On your phone call, she will immediately arrive at the location you have specified. An appropriate specialist will capture the snake from your hotel room or office and release it into the wild.

First Aid for Snake Bites in Goa

First you need to calm the victim, so that the spread of poison through the human body will be much slower. Then immobilize the bitten part from the rest of the body with a splint.

Eliminate the possibility of infection of the bite site or significant acceleration of blood flow in the victim’s body. Make arrangements for his immediate hospitalization and medical attention. Record the time of the bite.

The patient cannot walk, but can be carried on a stretcher. You will have to describe the snake that bit your companion to the doctors, so try to remember it right away on the spot. The hospital has posters with pictures of Goa snakes.

Myths about snakes

Myths about snakes in Goa - are there any?

Many people are painfully afraid of snakes. In medicine it is called herpetophobia. These reptiles, indeed, cause a painful, panicked state beyond rational control.

  1. There is an opinion that snakes always attack. This is not true. The snake is trying to hide from the man, not to focus his attention. In a sudden encounter, both sides are equally afraid of each other. Snakes attack a person in case of emergency: if you step or kick a snake, stick your hand into a burrow, try to pull it out of there. If you behave calmly and do not show aggression yourself, everything will be fine.
  2. There is an opinion that cobras can fly. It does not correspond to reality. Cobras have no wings. But they know how to jump. True, their jump is designed only for a short distance.
  3. Locals say that the sand boa, one of the varieties of snakes in Goa has two heads. Perhaps this is a local myth or popular belief, it has nothing to do with reality.
  4. Once a person touches a Russell’s viper, his skin and muscles will immediately begin to rot, and nothing can stop the rotting process, including by the means of modern medicine. This is a completely wild, unsubstantiated myth.
  5. The bite of a poisonous snake causes a quick death. This is far from it. Most venomous snakes have venom too weak to kill humans. And dangerous venomous snakes inject small doses of venom into the bloodstream. Partial disability is possible.


Besides snakes in the water, there are other dangers in Goa in the sea. First of all, these are sharks. They also do not particularly tend to swim close to the coast, so the likelihood of your meeting with sharks on vacation is very low.

Sharks in Goa - dangers for tourists

During the high season, strong currents appear in the Arabian Sea, which prevent these predators from approaching close to shore. The sharks themselves do not seek to go there because. are instinctively wary of noise and large crowds of people.

Their activity sharks begin to show at night, when the resorts are gradually subsiding. Sometimes found near the coastal fish markets, of which there are many in Goa. No cases of shark attacks on humans have been recorded.


Antisanitary conditions in the tropics are another danger in Goa for tourists. Under such conditions, there is a high probability of the emergence and immediate development of various intestinal infections. This is especially true for children who are not yet accustomed to the peculiarities of the local cuisine.

Carefully observe the rules of sanitation and hygiene. In this case, you don’t have to vaccinate. If you’re not sure of your own cleanliness, it’s better to graft. But getting health insurance in India is a must.


The state of Goa is located on the west coast of India, in a relatively calm area in terms of tsunami formation. I.e. The probability of its appearance in Goa is relatively low, although it is there. The last time this happened was at the very beginning of the 21st century.

Tsunami in Goa

It takes a significant amount of deep water for a high wave, called a tsunami, to rise off the coast. But the shore under the water here is wide and flat, to serious depths to go far. Therefore, the tsunami in Goa can seriously not be feared.

What medicines to take in Goa?

If you have problems with acclimatization, they are solved at the nearest pharmacy in Goa. Here you can find all the necessary medicines with the help of a pharmacist, it is desirable to consult a local doctor in advance.

And the means of emergency aid in case of sudden danger to the organism in Goa is desirable to take in advance from Russia.

  1. Allergy sufferers always carry antihistamines with them.
  2. Painkillers and antispasmodics: No-shpa or citramone.
  3. Disinfectants: iodine, peroxide, green.

If you go on vacation to Goa with you children, the list of medicines should be more, parents are well aware of the state of health of their child. Do not forget antipyretics and remedies for stomach upsets.

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