There are many mysterious, unexplained places and phenomena on our planet. Scientists devote years to deciphering them. One such phenomenon is the geoglyphs of Naska (coordinates: 14.688333°S and 75.122778°W).
General information about the geoglyphs of Naska
Geoglyphs in Peru are large, multi-meter long images of figures, lines on the earth’s surface that are man-made. They are so large that they can only be seen from above.
Below you can see photos of the mysterious signs taken by aerial photography:
Amazing facts about geoglyphs:
- These signs are trenches up to half a meter deep and 30-135 cm wide, rarely more. They were made by removing the top part of the soil, and it is unknown where the excavated soil disappeared to.
- The size of the animal images reaches up to 50 m. One of them is a snake devouring people, 100 m long, and a strange bird with a zigzag neck is 250 m long.
- Geoglyphs were created at different times. However, those made later do not erase their borders when crossing with earlier images: they are still visible from above.
The drawings are very old: presumably from 500 BC to 500 AD. Such conclusions are made on the basis of the remains of pottery found in the vicinity, driven stakes.
Drawings depict different animals, geometric shapes, represent lines. On one of them, titled “Astronaut,” the figure of a humanoid creature is discernible. There are many geoglyphs: at first 30 of them were discovered, and a little later – 40 more.
Research is still going on. The arid climate and secluded location helped to preserve the drawings. The soil at the bottom of the channels has hardened.
There is speculation that the difference between the black rocky surface near the images and the white sand of the trenches contributed to this. When heated, it caused physical processes that preserved depressions during sandstorms.
The 15×20 km plateau is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is protected by the state.
The location of the mysterious drawings on the map
The mysterious drawings are in Peru, in the Nazca Desert. The ancient civilization of the same name lived in this area at the turn of our era.
When and how were mysterious lines discovered in the Peruvian desert
The drawings were discovered with the advent of aviation. Geoglyphs in the Nazca Desert were first discovered in 1927. Advances in technology have made it possible to investigate mystery lines through the use of computer programs.
Theories of geoglyphs origin
The purpose of the mysterious images is still unknown. There are many assumptions by scientists about this. Some suggest that it is a giant astrological calendar, while others believe that the drawings denote places of religious meetings.
Maria Reiche
German archaeologist Maria Reiche studied the Nazca drawings for 40 years, until her death. She believed that the creators of geoglyphs first made sketches and then transferred them to nature. They were guided by piles driven at the ends of the drawings.
This explains the fact that the lines of images have no deviations, despite the variety of landforms. On the plateau were found the remains of stakes, shards from the time of the Naska people.
Maria Reiche held the astronomical version of the purpose of the drawings. She believed that these images indicated the location of the planets and other celestial bodies at different times of the year. Animal drawings, according to the archaeologist, meant constellations.
Erich von Deniken
The Swiss writer Erich von Denicken believed that the drawings of the Naska people were left by extraterrestrial civilizations. In his opinion, they served as runways for alien ships. And the lines represent traces resulting from the landing of “flying saucers”. However, this version is not confirmed and raises great doubts among scientists.
Paula Kosoka
The American archaeologist Paul Kosock, like Maria Reiche, believed that the drawings marked the location of the planets at different times of the year. However, modern research by scientists using computer technology has not confirmed the astronomical theory of the origin of the drawings. They found only 20% of the coincidences that can be attributed to this version.
Anthony Aweny
According to researcher Anthony Eveney, the images indicated the location of underground water currents. They marked the places where ancient people held large-scale ceremonies with dances associated with the cult of the gods.
Gelana Siverman
Professor Gelan Siverman defended the version that the geoglyphs of Naska are the traces of residence of various Indian tribes. Each one left its mark.
Supernatural versions of the origin of the drawings
Some call the incomprehensible images “footprints of God on earth.
Professor Aldon Mason, studying the location of the graves and the deformation of the skulls of ancient Naska, concluded that geoglyphs are signs for higher powers.
Wolf Galicki and Alla Belokon believe the Nazca images are traces of an extraterrestrial civilization left behind by powerful radiation from alien ships.
Existing analogues of Nazca geoglyphs in South America
On earth geoglyphs are not found only in this place. There are also some nearby, on the Palpa Plateau. Mysterious drawings have been found in Bolivia, Great Britain, the United States, Saudi Arabia, etc.
In Russia also there are geoglyphs: in the Chelyabinsk area the huge drawing which has been laid out by stones, in the form of a moose, and in the Samara area – in the form of a bear is found.